TexT Message

imageI am looking so farword to laying in my bed  as long as I want tomorrow.. I had my grand babies and doctors appointments this week.. and tomorrow is my day.. but I also need to rake the leaves.. so my plan is the rake and sit methodology.. sit as much as I need too and rake at my own peace.. who cares if I don’t finish till next May.. it’s my yard..

I got a text message last night from him.. but the more I think about it.. I’m sure it was for her.. but I am pleased to say I’m doing better with that situation.. I have accepted that he never loved me.. I could tell that by the way we had sex.. we might have made love twice in a year and half.. the rest of the time I was just something to f***.. and you know the sad part it wasn’t even good.. so why in the hell did I put up it.. that’s what I don’t understand .. I  knew I was broken but I didn’t know how broken I was until now.. when I let my mind go back there to the women.. I use to encourage and say it’s gonna be okay.. but then the tables turned and I was one of those women.. who had no strength to leave.. I had sank so low that I could not even find the beauty in me.. the more I think about it what kind of woman say “her day doesn’t start until her man get off work..” a weak ass woman, who look just like me.. my God in Heaven how did I get to this place.. and most of all how do I get out of here..

Original me

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